Our product offerings

Customer Oriented Websites Database
J7 Speciality & Other Finance

Please choose a sub-sector according to the following list:

Subsector* Description
J71 Asset Managers Asset managers
J73 Consumer Finance Credit card companies, providers of personal finance services (i.e. personal loans) not classified under 'Mortgage Finance' - J77
J75 Investment Banks Banks providing a range of specialist financial services, primarily to corporate clients. Stockbrokers
J77 Mortgage Finance Institutional providers of mortgages and mortgage insurance not engaging in other types of retail or commercial banking
J79 Other Financial Financial holding companies, security and commodity exchanges and companies engaged in financial activities not specified elsewhere

* if the Subsector is not hyperlinked to The Gosling Group's COW Database, then there are currently no web-site entries for this sub-sector.

To ensure our customers' future profitable growth by ensuring a full understanding of the wants and needs of both their existing and future customers and markets, and targeting their current and future product offerings to them; in so doing we will ensure an understanding of their employees' engagement and optimise their internal and external processes accordingly, using a combination of both traditional and modern business tools.
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