Our product offerings

Customer Oriented Websites Database
F8 Support Services

Please choose a sub-sector according to the following list:

Subsector* Description
F81 Business Support Services Providers of non-financial services to a wide range of industries which could have been provided "in house" excluding those activities classified elsewhere.
F83 Education, Business Training & Employment Agencies Providers of education, business and management training courses and employment services
F84 Environmental Control Providers of solid and hazardous waste management, recovery and disposal services
F85 Funerals & Cemeteries Funeral directors, cemetery and crematorium operators
F86 Laundries & Cleaners Launderers and dry cleaners
F88 Security & Alarm Services Companies installing, servicing and monitoring alarm systems and those providing security services

* if the Subsector is not hyperlinked to The Gosling Group's COW Database, then there are currently no web-site entries for this sub-sector.

To ensure our customers' future profitable growth by ensuring a full understanding of the wants and needs of both their existing and future customers and markets, and targeting their current and future product offerings to them; in so doing we will ensure an understanding of their employees' engagement and optimise their internal and external processes accordingly, using a combination of both traditional and modern business tools.
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